Danube Floodplain

KU217 delivered a study for the DANUBE FLOODPLAIN project to Croatian Waters (Hrvatske vode) on 12th August 2020. The study applied Flood Evaluation Matrix – FEM Approach (Habersack, H. et al. 2015) on the 12 active floodplains (AFP) on the rivers Sava and Danube in Croatia.

The work included statistical flood frequency analysis, hydraulic modelling (HEC-RAS model of c. 500km of Sava River through Croatia was used), calculation of FEM parameters and prioritization of floodplains for restoration for Sava and Danube. KU217 also gave comments and recommendations on further automation and standardization of the FEM methodology.

Sava River AFP’s

Six active floodplains were analyzed on the Sava river. All six floodplains need to be preserved, and priority for restoration was determined. Figure on the left shows example of FEM maps produced for the Zagreb flood defense system.

Danube River AFP’s

Six active floodplains were analyzed on the Danube river. Similar as for Sava river, all six floodplains need to be preserved. Priority for restoration was determined for all six AFP’s on Danube in Croatia. Figure on the left shows example of FEM maps produced for the Vukovar floodplain.