Introducing KU217

The company comprise of an international team with 10+ year experience in the field of civil and environmental engineering, e.g. hydrology, hydraulics, flood forecasting and monitoring, bathymetry survey, GIS, infrastructure management, supervision and bridge scour inspections.


Our expertise of Modelling in River Engineering, Hydrology, Hydraulics, begins in 2009.


The result of this strong connection is “KU217”, which stands for Computer Classroom in which our journey started.



List of selected projects

Hydrology Modelling
Krapina River Basin Model, CRO (1200km2); Bandon River Basin Model, IE (600km2); Ilen River Basin, IE (250km2)

Hydraulic Modelling
2D Models: Drava River (CRO): HPP Varazdin, HPP Cakovec and HPP Dubrava, (c. 100km2); Sava River (CRO):  Sisak New Port (c. 50km2)
1D-2D Models: Sullane/Laney/Lee (IE); Ilminster (UK); Ballincollig (IE); Krapina River (CRO); Belgooly Estuary (IE)
1D Models: Sava River: (c. 500km); Bosna River, Bosnia&Hercegovina (c150km)

Bridge Inspections
150 Bridge scour inspections for Irish Rail & Cork Co. Co.
Development of bridge inspection Application

Bridge Scour Protection Design
New Sullane Riverbridge; Railway bridge in Mallow; Bray bridge

Section 50 Bridge and Culvert Hydraulic Design
Macroom Bypass Sullane bridge + 12 culverts; Wind Farms (>20 culverts, >10 Single span bridges,
>5 Multi-span bridges)

Flood Forecasting (FFS) & Flood Early Warning System (FEWS)
Bandon FFS (Collaboration with Deltares)
Skibbereen FEWS (Collaboration with Deltares)



What we do

Property & Real Estate

Property Search, Complete Project Management, Design and Construction and Renovation

Bridge Management and supervision

Section 50 Application(s), Bridge hydraulic design, Scour protection design, Bridge Inspection, Training on bridge Inspection, Supervision

GIS & Hydrology & Hydraulics

Site Survey, Data Processing, DTM, Analysis and modelling, Web Design, Flood Risk Assessment, Flood Studies, Rating Curves, Hydro Power, Dam and Levee design, etc…

Flood Forecasting

Sensor network deployment, Design and support for Flood Forecasting and Flood Warning systems

Meet Our People

Igor Kerin


Hrvoje Sastic








